You may not realize it, but the insurance rates you pay for your car can vary dramatically depending on the insurance company, agent or broker you choose, the coverages you request and the kind of car you drive. Listed below are a number of things you can do right
now to lower your insurance costs.
AL: 205-269-3550, AK: 907-465-2515, AS: 684-633-4116, AZ: 602-255-5400, AR: 501-686-2900, CA: 800-927-4357, CO: 303-894-7499, CT: 203-297-3800, DE: 800-282-8611, DC: 202-727-8002, FL:
800-342-2762, GA: 404-656-2056, GU: 671-477-5144, HI: 800-468-4644, ID: 208-334-2250, IL: 217-782-4515, IN: 800-622-4461, IA: 515-281-5705, KS: 800-432-2484, KY: 502-564-3630, LA: 504-342-5900, ME: 207-582-8707, MD: 800-492-6116,
MA: 617-727-3357, MI: 517-373-9273, MN: 800-652-9747, MS: 601-359-3569, MO: 314-751-2640, MT: 800-332-6148, NE: 402-471-2201, NV: 800-992-0900, NH: 800-852-3416, NJ: 609-292-5363, NM: 505-827-4500, NY: 212-602-0203, NC:
800-662-7777, ND: 800-247-0560, OH: 800-686-1526, OK: 405-521-2828, OR: 503-378-4271, PA: 717-787-5173, PR: 809-722-8686, RI: 401-277-2223, SC: 803-737-6117, SD: 605-773-3563, TN: 800-342-4029, TX: 512-463-6464, UT: 801-530-6400,
VT: 802-828-3301, VI: 809-774-2991, VA: 800-552-7945, WA: 800-562-6900, WV: 800-600-9004, WI: 800-236-8517, WY: 307-777-7401HOW TO GET FREE LIFE INSURANCE & PENSION
Once you have formed your own non-profit organization, you merely place in your corporate charter the provision that life insurance and pension be paid by the organization of which you are a member. The organization, if set up properly, would obtain its money through
donations and grants which you should actively seek. Thus, your life insurance and pension costs nothing.